Sheltered Pathways: World Homeless Day Empowerment Expo.

Sheltered Pathways is an empowering journey on World Homeless Day, offering a curated expo of resources, workshops, and community connections to uplift individuals experiencing homelessness. Through this event, we strive to create bridges to brighter futures, fostering a supportive environment where every individual can find the pathways to reclaim hope, dignity, and stability.

Our Organization

Mrs. B's Table and APH Transitional Housing Program join forces to create a comprehensive support system for the unhoused and low-income individuals. Mrs. B's Table uses home-cooked meals as a warm introduction, seamlessly connecting individuals with the myriad resources provided by APH. With a shared commitment to empowering families and individuals, this collaboration forms a one-stop-shop, offering immediate aid and laying the foundation for long-term stability. Together, they exemplify the transformative power of collective action in creating lasting change and a path to a brighter future.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.